We manage energy

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For arc steel-melting furnaces
Providing the required dynamic resistance to mechanical stress caused by operational SC current during the period of melting.
Converter transformers
They are manufactured in the following versions: two and triple-wound, 6-, 12- and 24-phase bridge rectification circuits.
For ore-smelting furnaces
The ability to connect installations of longitudinal capacitive compensation to transformers allows you to increase the power factor up to values 0,9-0,95.
For induction furnaces
Deeper regulation of secondary voltage (D>6), constant power on several levels LV, regulation of secondary voltage by 11-33 steps.
Special projects Special projects	Special projects
Implemented for the needs of our customers increased their production efficiency and improved technical and economic indicators.
For electroslag refining furnaces
Providing small level regulation of secondary voltage at the regulation depth of 2.5-4.


Competent operation and timely quality service
Repair and repowering
will extend reliable operation up to 50-60 years
Production of components
for repair and modernization of transformers of any type

Company history

Трансформатор АОДЦТД-135000/500, 1967 г. Выписка из приказа № 57.
Выписка из приказа № 57.
On 18 March, 1967 according to decree No. 57 of the Ministry of electro technical industry of the USSR: «Entrust the production association «Electropromremont» with repairing and modernization of large and unique electrical machines for metallurgical, chemical and other industries of national economy, traction electrical machines, repairing and refurbishment of power transformers with voltage up to 500 kV inclusively, furnace and special transformers.
In November of the same year (1967) the plant performed refurbishment of the first autotransformer АОДЦТГ-135000/500 with the change of windings and taking out the active part.

During the first ten years of the plant operation 6067 transformers with the total capacity 9247 MVA were repaired, 4590 sets of windings were made, 1842 of lifting electromagnets and more than 500 electric boilers were manufactured.

The second decade of active work of the plant was marked by the capture of new heights: the company successfully mastered the repair and modernization of traction transformers for locomotives not only of Soviet production such as ВЛ65(ОНДЦЭ-6610/25), ВЛ80(ОДЦЭ-5000/25Б), ВЛ85(ОНДЦЭ-10000/25), but also transformers of Czechoslovak production «SKODA» (for electric locomotive ЧСЧТ).

By the early 2000-s the sufficient level of experience consolidation and scale of production capacity enabled the company to design and start manufacturing its own transformers. The first transformer unit ЭОЦНК-16000/10 of our own design was manufactured then.

At the present time «Delta Trafo» is a company that designs, manufactures, refurbishes and repairs transformers of all types. We managed to grow a team of professionals who are constantly evolving and keeping pace with the times. We value our customers and strive to establish long-term relationships based on the principles of reliable partnership. We carefully analyze the experience and are always open to new solutions.

All the history of the plant

Decree No. 57 was signed by the Ministry of energy and electrification of the USSR about the startup of the factory for repair and modernization of high-voltage transformers with voltage up to 500 kV.
Carried out repair with the change of windings of autotransformer ACCTG-135000/500 for one of the key objects of Nizhny Novgorod electric power system — Arzamas electric substation 500 kV.
Performed the first full refurbishment with the change of windings of 6 electric furnace transformers ЭОМН-1500/10 for induction furnace.
Developed and implemented a project for the full refurbishment of the first electric furnace transformer for arc steel melting furnaces ЭТЦПК-13500/10.
Performed modernization of traction transformers ОЦР-2800/25 for electric locomotives Д-92, Д-94 и ВЛ-41.
Refurbished electric furnace transformer ЭОЦН-30000/35 for chemical industry and electric furnace unit consisting of the autotransformer АТЦН-45000/35 for voltage regulation and furnace transformer ЭТЦ-45000/35.
Mobile teams for repair transformers of I-IV dimensions at their installation site were organized.
Mastered the repair and refurbishment of traction transformers for electric locomotives of Soviet production ВЛ65, ВЛ80 и ВЛ85.
The 10000-th transformer was repaired.
Mastered repair with the change of windings of traction transformers SKODA SL of Czechoslovak production for locomotives ЧС4, ЧС4Т.
The 35000-th order was accepted.
Производство электропечных трансформаторов напряжением до 35 кВ
The first transformer unit of its own design ЭОЦНК-16000/10 , designed and manufactured specially for transnational company «Kazchrome» JSC, brought the company to a new stage of development.
Passed the certification of international quality system ISO 9000:2001.
Mastered the production of dry-type current limiting reactor types РТОС and РТСТ for rated currents from 400 A to 6000 A.
Nomenclature of electrical transformers, manufactured by «Delta Trafo» according to its projects, meets the needs of enterprises of all industries specific to their technological processes.
Using modern design and technological solutions, «Delta Trafo» implements projects to improve the operating efficiency of transformers and extend their service life.